Aluminium wheels and metal trims: cleaning, care & protection
From an aesthetic point of view, these are some of the most essential parts of your car. And ones that get dirty the fastest and get damaged the easiest. Light alloy or aluminium wheels and decorative metal trims - how do you clean and maintain them? Should you protect them? How to restore scratched wheels and trims?

DO-IT-YOURSELF - Car body washing step by step
It should be no rocket science – water, shampoo, sponge and off you go. But washing the exterior of your car means following certain rules, too. Otherwise you can damage the paint and... waste your time.
Please, make sure you know exactly what to do before cleaning your car!

Do It Yourself - cleaning and tidying up the interior of your own car
Your car is often like a second home - and just like at home, it should be cleaned regularly. Not only for your own comfort, but also for your health and safety. 1-2 hours using easy-to-use and products make your car interior clean.